Steve Unlimited shoots Zocdoc in Studio 5

Steve Unlimited Productions transformed soundstage Studio 5 into a living room, appointment nightmare and a light-filled doctor’s office. The crew did an incredible job building and propping the set. The thirty-second video promo was a national TV spot for Zocdoc. The app is an online medical care appointment booking service, providing free of charge medical care search facilities. It highlights the ease of booking an appointment while having insight on who will be treating you based on user reviews.

While the spot was about health, they took precautions very seriously on set. What’s not seen is behind-the-scenes, the film crew were all in masks, temperature checks upon entry, hand sanitizer stations and a COVID-19 specialist on site. They also provided a live virtual video village for anyone not on set to reduce crew sizes.

Learn more about the spot and the precautions they took on set here.

Production studio: Steve Unlimited

Director: Micah Perta

Producer: Willa Gold

DP: Matthew Woolf

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